
Wedding rings The beginning of a beautiful love story


What is the difference between an engagement ring and Promise Rings For Couples?

Wedding bands, bands and Matching Couples Gifts

Giving jewelry is undoubtedly the most beloved and recognizable act of love that is performed in the world. Jewelry is often associated with a greater significance than its beauty, because it's typically linked to a significant moment in a relationship.

Engagement rings, wedding bands and wedding bands are, in fact, something special, a piece of jewelry with a great symbolic value that can encapsulate years and years of life.

Many people are unable distinguish between the three rings, which can cause confusion and ruin precious moments. Precisely in order to avoid this problem in the next paragraphs, all the information needed to distinguish engagement rings from wedding bands and wedding rings will be provided, in such a way as to ensure you purchase the appropriate ring to suit your needs and, most importantly, leave an unforgettable memory for your spouse.

Engagement Ring: A Memorable Proposal

Who among us has never witnessed, if not in a movie, a man kneeling down to ask his girlfriend's hand for marriage? This ring is known as an engagement ring. It's an emblem of one of the most important goals couples can achieve. Apart from being an aesthetically pleasing object, this object represents a bond that unites two people who want only to continue their relationship and start an extended family.

As with wedding rings, the engagement ring should also be placed on the finger of the left hand. It is then moved to the right hand shortly prior to the wedding ceremony.

This tradition dates back to the time of ancient Egypt. In that time the act of giving this ring as the gift of a loved one was a sign of trust and respect. This tradition has evolved through the years. It reached its current form in 1477 when Archduke Maximilian presented Mary of Burgundy an encrusted diamond ring. The tradition continues to this day. It is supported by advertising campaigns and has become an international phenomenon.

A totally different issue to the ring previously introduced is the wedding ring wedding rings, which are jewels that are presented to the couple in order to seal their love story. Wedding rings are often given within the first few days of an engagement. This is because the excitement and feelings that accompany being engaged can result in numerous gifts.

A wedding ring is much less demanding than an engagement ring, but it represents the birthing of a wonderful feeling.

It is now possible to buy wedding rings of various types: from flat ones to smooth ones, moving through embossed or hammered rings. These rings are typically made of gold. However, if you're looking for something more special silver wedding bands are an excellent option. They're easier to work with.

Wedding rings: a promise for the rest of your life

This is the most significant rings. It symbolizes the eternal love between two people. The exchange of rings is one of the most important elements of the ceremony since it symbolizes the eternal promise.

The rings feature a simple design and a circular shape that represents the infinity. This is done to represent that the marriage will be eternal and is based on values such as love and loyalty.

Wedding rings aren't given by the bride and groom but rather by the witnesses who on the day of the wedding, bear the privilege and responsibility of deciding and protecting the rings until the day of the wedding.

Wedding rings are more substantial than normal rings and made of yellow gold. The tradition dictates that this rings are placed on the left ring finger. This is because the vein connects the ring finger with the heart, the area that is where love dwells.